Adjustment of the Oboe and English Horn by Greenwald


This type of book has been missing from the lexicon for quite a while. It’s a welcome addition to any player’s library.

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David Greenwald has given us an essential guide and manual to the intricacies and mechanisms of the oboe and English horn. This caliber of book has been missing from the lexicon for quite a while. It’s a welcome addition to every player’s library.

Students and professionals alike will find the information clear, helpful, and illustrative of the mechanism of the instrument they spend all their days with.

The detailed, step-by-step approach to the adjustment and clear understanding of the mechanism of both instruments is thorough and well presented.

The numerous high-quality color illustrations are well thought out, and add clarity to the instructions.

120 pages in hard-cover format with library-quality dust jacket. Sized to fit in a case cover pocket at 8″ x 5″ x 3/4″.

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