Loree German Silver Oboe Staples, 47mm


Jewelry quality German silver oboe staples of the highest caliber. These staples are medium-thin walled with a medium-small bore.
additional details . . .

Sale Pricing!
Select: 1 – 9 staples, $8.25 each
Select: 10 – 49 staples, $7.95 each
Select: 50+ staples, $7.70 each

In stock

SKU: OOS500 Category:


Jewelry quality German silver oboe staples of the highest caliber.

These staples are medium-thin walled with a medium-small bore. The range of tone and suitability to the Loree oboe are unequaled. Triple spiral scribing helps secure the cane to the staple when tying. Natural cork.

Made in France by Loree.

Additional information

Weight 0.04 oz
Dimensions 1.875 × 0.25 × 0.25 in

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