Treasure Reed Maker
We’re honored to feature Treasure Oboe Reeds on our website. Logan is an active double reed maker, performer, and teacher. A long-time Montana resident, Logan established Treasure State Reeds in the Spring of 2022. Logan stays very busy making high quality double reeds and teaching private lessons.
Logan attended the University of Montana, where he studied reed-making, pedagogy performance, auditions, and ensemble playing. He teaches both oboe and bassoon (a rare combo) and his students have achieved many successes. In teaching, he emphasizes reed making, performance, chamber ensembles, music theory, aural training, and career/college pursuits.
As a performer, Logan is active in four professional orchestras in Montana and serves on sub lists for two more. In orchestra, and in solo ventures, he performs on oboe, oboe d’amore, English horn, bassoon and contra bassoon!
He now resides in Phoenix, AZ pursuing advanced job and school opportunities.