
Double Reed Donations

We receive donations of double reed instruments, tools, and accessories from many players and manufacturers throughout the year. We locate and vet prospective recipients, and send them the donations that fit their needs.

We’ve sent instruments to Zambia and Kazakhstan along with many accessories and finished reeds to teachers, players, and youth orchestras in over 30 countries. We’ve been doing this since we first opened in 1983!

We arrange for shipment by consulate, diplomatic pouch, and standard mail at our own expense.

All donated items are thoroughly examined and if needed, we refurbish them at no cost to you, or the recipients.

Can we make a real difference in this world? Yes – we can together.

If you want to be a part of this worldwide effort, here’s how to proceed:

  • Accumulate or amass double reed items you would like to share.
  • Contact us to let us know you will be sending a package with donations.
  • Send the donations to:
    Charles Double Reed Company
    1976 White Mountain Highway, North Conway, NH

We will organize, clean, store, and ship accumulated double reed items on a regular and as-needed basis.

If you prefer to discuss what is needed, or inquire about details of how this works, you can reach us at (603) 356-9890 or email Brian.

We thank you, and hundreds of double reed players throughout the world thank you as well.