Stansby A=415 Baroque Oboe by Vas Dias – NEW


This instrument is certified by Charles Double Reed Company to be in top condition



SKU: IUO870 Category:


This used Vas Dias baroque oboe is an exact reproduction of one made by Thomas Stanesby, Sr., c. 1700. Mr. Vas Dias viewed and measured the original at the Hamamatsu City Museum, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, Ex Rosenbaum Collection.

This has been a lightly used one-owner instrument since it was made in 2000. The body is made of grenadilla finished in sweet almond oil. Tenon ends are hand wrapped. 3 silver keys and 3 (synthetic) ivory rings.

Mr. Vas Dias is now in his late 90’s (and going strong). How many more of these will be made? We don’t know.

It’s a gorgeous work of art and an easy-playing instrument. It is pitched at A=415.

Here are details on How To Trial This Instrument
If you’re ready to trial this instrument email us or call us at (603) 356-9890

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